
About the Islamic Association in Sweden

The Islamic Association in Sweden began its work at the end of the seventies and founded the first Islamic association in Stockholm and called it the Islamic Association in Stockholm. The work began with a few students from different Muslim countries who happened to meet in Sweden and work for the same goal, the foundation of the Islamic presence in this country.

The association took initiative to establish similar associations in Norway and Finland and had a large Dawa cooperation that time. The association continued to Muslim organisation as the Islamic Council of Sweden, an umbrella organisation for Muslim organisations in Sweden and also founded Islamic Relief in Sweden, Young Muslims of Sweden, the Women’s Association, Muslim Scouts, Newmoon Cultural Association, Islamic schools in Stockholm and Gothenburg, the Quran Reader Association, Ibn Rushd for popular education and mosques in Stockholm and Gothenburg.


The association aims to maintain and strengthen the Muslim identity and presence in Sweden allowing Muslims to, individually and in groups, privately and publicly practice their religion and to engage positively in society’s various functions. The union wants to be a natural support for the Muslim public’s various challenges and needs while being a socially actor based on Islamic values working for the benefit of society.



The association wants to:

a. Present knowledge about Islam, its merciful values ​​and its peaceful message on the basis of a contemporary and local context.

b. Supporting Swedish Muslims to exercise their religious obligations and maintain their religious and cultural identity.

c. Encourage the maintenance of public Muslim organizations and to encourage member organizations and other Muslim associations to take a leading role, develop their skills and to improve the qualitative content of their work.

d. Influence and build opinion on issues related to the Muslim group and its interests in Sweden and the rest of the world and inspire Sweden’s Muslims to unite around their common challenges, goals and interests.

e. Increase participation, influence and representation of Muslims in public institutions and bodies.

f. Broaden the dialogue and cooperation between Muslims and representatives of other philosophies and interest groups in order to strengthen the coexistence of different groups in the society.

g. Strengthen contacts with other Muslim actors in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world to increase cooperation and exchange of experience within the Muslim community.

h. Promoting solidarity with the oppressed Muslims around the world by highlighting their questions and support them in their struggle against injustice.

i. Participate actively in the struggle for basic human rights and freedoms and for a world free of oppression and injustice.

Contact us

Postal and visiting address:
Islamiska Förbundet i Sverige
Kapellgränd 10
116 25 Stockholm

Tel. 00468-509 109 00
Fax: 08-509 109 29
E-post: info@islamiskaforbundet.se

Facebook: islamiskaforbundet
Twitter: @IslamiskaForbun

For press and media, please contact our spokesmen

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