FIOE: Karadzic Conviction Sends an Important Message, and the Memory of the Victims is Not Fading Away

IF Kommunikation

The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe (FIOE) expresses solidarity with the victims’ families of the terrible war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the occasion of sentencing Radovan Karadzic, being one of the main perpetrators of atrocities, to 40 years in jail.

FIOE stressed the importance of law enforcement, to ensure that all perpetrators of atrocities and war criminals in Bosnia and Herzegovina have nowhere to hide from justice. This path is concomitant with the consolidation of peaceful coexistence, to overcome the effects of past injustices, and establish a state of law and democracy.

Additionally, FIOE declared that the judgment, of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), against Radovan Karadzic would not bring any of the deceased back to life. After all, it is a clear indication that none of the war criminals, whoever they may be, will escape punishment.

FIOE expresses solidarity with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with families of the innocent victims executed in such horrific war crimes, whose memories will certainly live among us forever.

Brussels, March 25, 2016
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe

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