The first of Ramadan 1433

IF Kommunikation

European Council For Fatwa and Research

Federation of Islamic organisations in Europe

Press release: The first of Ramadan 1433 will be insha’ Allah on Friday 20 th July 2012.


In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

The Start of Ramadan 1433 (2012)

1. The accurate astronomical data have indicated that the new moon (conjunction) will be born on Thursday 19th July 2012 at 4.24am (GMT) i.e. 7.24am (Mecca time).

2. According to the criteria adopted by ECFR on 4 th June 2009 that there will be possibility of visibility of the crescent by naked eye or by telescope in any place on earth and it does not matter where it is seen since the hadeeth of the Prophet (PBUH) is general i.e. fast when you see the crescent and breakfast when you see it again. The astronomical data indicate that the crescent can be seen in large part in Latin America and also in south Africa.

3. For example in the city of Santiago (Chilli), the sunset will be at 17:55 and the moon set at 18:42 so the moon will stay for more than 46 minutes after sunset and it will be at 8 degrees above the horizon.

4. For example in Brasilia (Brazil), the sunset will be at 17:56 and the moon set at 18:30 so the moon will stay for more than 34 minutes after sunset and it will be at 6 degrees above the horizon.

5. For example in Lima(Peru), the sunset will be at 17:59 and the moon set at 18:36 so the moon will stay for more than 36 minutes after sunset and it will be at 7 degrees above the horizon.

6. For example in Cape town (South Africa), the sunset will be at 17:58 and the moon set at 18:30 so the moon will stay for more than 34 minutes after sunset and it will be at 5 degrees above the horizon.

7. Based on these conditions and also on the criteria adopted by ECFR in 1986 that there is no base on the places where the crescent is seen because of the generality of the hadeeth mentioned earlier and the Hijri calendar calculation agreed in Istanbul in November 1978 and last not least the data available in February 2012 in Paris so that the decision made by the ECFR is acceptable from the fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) standpoint in order to unite Muslims in Europe and also to determine the times of worship and Eids as they need to know in advance the days of celebrations to arrange for them. This decision fulfils the aims and objectives of Sharia i.e. Islamic law and serves the interest of both countries and Muslims and also the astronomers have praised and appreciated the decision of ECFR in determining the beginning and the end of the months and consider it as a historical step in order to produce the Hijri calendar so that there is no errors or mistakes as well as avoiding differences within the Muslims inside their countries and outside. This will unite the whole ummah.

It is very important to indicate that the Islamic World League in Mecca in their world conference to determine the beginning and the end of the moon months where religious scholars and astronomers participated in great number (11-13 February 2012 has declared in one of its recommendations that “The astronomy is well established by its rules and the Muslims  have contributed tremendously especially in knowing the time of conjunction (Moon , Sun and earth in the same line), the moon set before or after sun set and the moon staying above the horizon after conjunction. It is recommend that we accept that the astronomical data were it states the impossibility of visibility because of either the conjunction has not accured and the moon sets before sunset. Consequently, the Muslims leaving as minority in some countries needs this type of calculations to unify the day or their fasting  and breaking the fast”.

8. Based on the above mentioned data:

The first of Ramadan 1433 will be insha’ Allah on Friday 20 th July 2012.

We pray to Allah (SWT) that the Muslims will welcome this blessed month and they are in state of goodness, blessing, pride and strength.


Professor Mohammed Al hawari.

(European Council For Fatwa and Research)


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